5 Tips To Learn English From Movies

***there is a quiz at the end of this article*** What are some useful tips to learn English from movies? Learning comes good when one reads, better when one hears and the best when one sees. This is a universal fact and to establish that let’s look at an example. Remember the movie, ‘The Titanic’? … Read more

14 Powerful Ways To Say “You’re Welcome”

***there is a quiz at the end of this article*** What are some different ways to say “You’re welcome” in English? We all know the most common way to respond to “thank you”, which is “you’re welcome”, but this is not the only response that you could give to someone. There are so many other … Read more

5 Easy Steps To Introduce Yourself

***there is a quiz at the end of this article*** What are some easy steps to introduce yourself in English? This topic can be a nightmare for English learners, especially those who are not very good at communication and are not used to situations where they have to talk about themselves. That’s why we’re going … Read more

5 Common Idioms about Happiness

***there is a quiz at the end of this article*** What are the most common idioms about happiness? We learn idioms and phrases in English because they allow us to become more fluent in English. So, as an English learner, if you are trying to learn English, you will need to learn some English idioms … Read more

5 Commonly Confused Words in English

***there is a quiz at the end of this article*** What are 5 Commonly Confused Words in English? As you might know, English is full of confusing words that sound the same but are pronounced differently. It’s also full of words and phrases that share common meanings, but when you use them in the wrong … Read more